seen here from Station Road. Not much trouble getting a parking space back then! It seems odd that the “Bakewell Station” sign appears precariously attached to “the gutter” (perhaps it was too wide for that central gable?) The prominent tree on the skyline features in a number of historic (and current!) photos

1970s The “Bakewell Station” sign has gone, it’s frame looks like it’s about to drop off too ;)..

2023 Fortunately Bakewell Station survived being a “coal yard” and eventually became a grade II listed building in 1994. Externally it currently appears to be in fair condition (although the station sign has now completely gone ;) ). The building has previously been used for office space but, sadly it has lain empty for a few years. Surely some use could be found for it?
(In the meantime, perhaps we could have the “Bakewell Station” sign back? – maybe sized to fit across the gable? ;) )