1976 Cutting Dystopia!

This is the eastern approach to the Headstone Tunnel. You’d think this scene was straight out of a dystopian horror film! How did the car get here? How come its upside down? Was this all down to the leaded petrol we had then? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadcrime_hypothesis If anyone has any more info, please let me know ;) Contact us

1976 Headstone Tunnel - eastern approach
1976 (Feb) Headstone Tunnel – eastern approach Alan Young Disused Stations

2023 – The cutting is now part of the “Wye Valley SSSI” (Site of Special Scientific Interest) Some fences have been added and a “reinforced bus stop” in the mouth of tunnel

2023 Headstone Tunnel eastern approach
2023 Headstone Tunnel eastern approach