1911 Monsal Dale Station

This really was a tiny station for passenger traffic. A horse waits patiently for… There was a mine (headstock just visible) Putwell Hill Mine and a quarry, Monsaldale Spar Mine nearby which will have supplied materials to the siding which is on the other side of the far platform fence (some wagons visible). Because the ground drops away steeply on the left, a suspended wooden platform was built. This photo was taken from the Monsal Dale signal box. On maps before about 1900 the station was spelt as “Monsaldale”, and the hill behind the station was “Putty Hill”

1911 Monsal Dale Station
1911 Monsal Dale Station Disused Stations (opens in new tab – “Not secure”)

023 Monsal Dale Station
2023 Monsal Dale Station lots of trees

This photo, looking westward past Monsal Dale Station is fascinating, there’s hardly a tree to be seen!

Monsal Dale Station looking west
1911 Monsal Dale Station looking west Tim Lee collection Disused Stations (opens in new tab – “Not secure”)